Complete sets of grating equipment

ADD TIME:2023/2/11 13:11:35 HITS:

Our company has finally developed a high-precision 3D grating roller special machine with completely independent property rights. This special machine has high positioning accuracy. After testing with a laser interferometer, the positioning accuracy of 1800 points is within 1 to 3 micrometers, with 99.85 per 1000 points within 1 micrometer and 0.15 per 1000 points within 3 micrometers; The roughness of the cutting surface reaches a mirror finish, and no cutting marks can be observed through a 40x magnifying glass. At the same time, we use a high-resolution servo motor to achieve the positioning accuracy of the special machine to the micron level. We have also adopted advanced technology to form a high control positioning accuracy, multi-step resonance reduction motion state, and flexible cutting system. Therefore, as a cutting mechanical equipment, this special machine has reached the highest level of positioning accuracy and cutting of CNC machine tools, thereby solving the key core hardware of three-dimensional imaging technology in China, successfully solving the problem of 1.25 meters to 2.5 meters in size and diameter Φ 200~ Φ Difficulty in manufacturing various grating rollers of 500.


